Data & Analytics Fees

We have access to hundreds of databases and sources of information. If don't see what you need below, call or email for more info!

Locate Witnesses & More

Individual person's address information only provided to licensed attorneys

Last known Address

125.00 (Direct to Attorneys)

150.00 (We will send contact letter to the person asking them to contact you)

This provides the last documented address used by your subject

Utilities to an Address (Name of person registered to)

100.00 location

Real Estate and Public Land Records

Title research

Property History

Current owner

Document Images

Last location subject's vehicle seen


This information is normally documented with photos

Social Security Number locate


Information only provided to licensed attorneys

Cell Phone Breaks


Who owns the phone or your subject's phone number by name

Death Records - is your subject deceased?


Motor Vehicle Records (Nationwide)

Price Varies

Criminal & Civil Records

Starts at 50.00

International Criminal Records

Most are between 150.00 to 200.00

Commercial Shipping

Starts at 50.00

Position of ship any where the world, country of registration and more

Bankruptcy History


Business Structure & History

Starts at 125.00

There are numerous types of records - Tell us what you need and we will tell you how to get there

Property Records & History

Starts at 125.00

There are numerous types of records - Tell us what you need and we will tell you how to get there.

UCC Filings

15.00 each search

Business Credit Report

Start at 105.00

Professional License Verification & History

Starts at 75.00

There are numerous types of records - Tell us what you need and we will tell you how to get there

Social Media Research

Multiple Social Media locates

150.00 to 450.00

Investigation Rates (I understand budget management)

Flat rate services start at...


Hourly rate is determined by the case complexity...

55.00 to 95.00

Phone statement & report...

75.00 each

Expert Consulting / Testimony (Human Trafficking)...

150.00 hr